Whitney Houston Lifetime Movie to Include Her Music, But Not Her Voice..Guess Who Will Be ‘The Voice’

Posted July 16, 2014


So we aren’t completely surprised by this news as everyone is aware that the Houston family nor the record label were signing off on the rights to use Whitney Houston‘s vocals in the upcoming Lifetime movie as both parties are allegedly unhappy with the movie being made in the first place for their respective reasons. Now comes word of who will be covering the vocals for Whitney’s songs which will be re-recorded for the film. According to E!News:

We won’t actually be hearing the voice of Houston or Yaya DaCosta, the former America’s Next Top Model hopeful who is playing her in the Angela Bassett-directed film.

I can exclusively reveal that Houston’s songs will be sung by…R&B singer Deborah Cox!

A Lifetime rep tells the news outlet that “music rights and clearances are still being worked out,” but Cox will be providing the “vocal tracks.”

The news is sure to outrage many a fan of Houston, as although a powerhouse singer indeed, and we are big fans of Cox however she is not Whitney, nor is any singer for that matter. It seems as though this a major detail that will be essential in making this movie fly and a success in the eyes of her fans. Although the approval of the family would be nice but its not needed, but surely ‘The Voice’ has to be correct. How can you make a movie about one of the most iconic and powerful singers of all time, and not use her vocals? but we digress until further evidence is shown to prove us wrong.

Did Lifetime make the right choice using Deborah? Should they have gone the appropriate route to get clearance on Whitney’s vocals?

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