Wendy Williams Responds To HBCU Backlash, Attempts To Clarify Statements “No I Am Not a Stacey Dash” [Video]

Posted July 7, 2016


After being trashed all over social media on Wednesday (July 6) for her comments regarding HBCU’s and the NAACP, and being ripped a new one by Roland Martin, on Thursday’s episode of her daytime talk show, Wendy Williams attempted to clear up her previously less than smart statements.

 “I would be really offended if there was a school that was known as a historically white college. We have historically black colleges,” she said during the Wednesday show as she expanded on how offensive it might be to white people in 2016 to see HBCU’s and the NAACP. However, on Thursday she seemed to backtrack just a little but still left much to be desired from her “apology” and explanation. She even went as far as to comment on Roland Martin’s statements that she is like Stacey Dash, get into what she has to say now below.

One response to “Wendy Williams Responds To HBCU Backlash, Attempts To Clarify Statements “No I Am Not a Stacey Dash” [Video]”

  1. MisTeaBlue says:

    This chick makes a career out of dragging people and reading them for filth but has a problem when she is drug, Boo bye! And no we didn’t misinterpret your statements, you failed to articulate your thoughts. And you still didn’t clarify what you were trying to say. I walked away with the same understanding.

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