Brandy Issues Lengthy Statement/Apology Following Kennedy Center Cancellation Due To Acute Laryngitis, Eardrum Hemorrhaging & Issues Behind The Scenes

Posted January 26, 2019

image via Brandy Instagram

Flocks of fans were left disappointed and quite upset over the weekend after R&B singer, Brandy abruptly cancelled her highly anticipated sold out two night concert series at The Kennedy Center in D.C.

The event had been scheduled for months, but just hours before the first show on Friday, January 25–a tweet from the Kennedy Center’s NSO page revealed that the event was cancelled for that night and the Saturday, January 26 performance. The a

Fans were distraught as many had flown, driven and commuted other ways from out of town for the event and were quite furious that notice of the cancellation was given so late.

On Saturday morning, Brandy finally took to social media to issue a lengthy statement on the matter and revealed that she had to cancel due to doctors orders after being diagnosed with acute laryngitis and eardrum hemorrhaging.

She also seemed to take issue with some of the behind the scenes handling with the musical staff/engineer at the Kennedy Center.

Get into both of her posts below.


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Dear everyone that I love and care for and everyone that loves and cares for me, I know a political announcement was made for the cancellation of the Brandy Kennedy Center shows, but I wanted to give a detailed explanation after seeing an otolaryngologist. Most of all time when I’m not feeling my fullest potential, I’ll ignore everything related to the opposition and clear Universal signs to avoid claiming illusions of illness. Dr. Thomas Winkler, in DC, did an extensive examination on my ears, nose and throat. His findings were sinusitis, acute laryngitis, hemorrhagic right true vocal and bilateral severe vocal cord edema. (That’s a lot and I don’t truly know what that all means.. doesn’t sound promising) Additionally, I’ve been experiencing hemorrhaging on my left eardrum and was firmly advised by Dr. Winkler to stay on strict vocal rest for a week and to cancel any professional performances. Deeply hurt by that because these kind of performance opportunities don’t come around #ADimeADozen I am thankful to the Kennedy Center family for true understanding. I apologize from the bottom of my heart to my extended family, my fans and the members of the Kennedy Center for this unfortunate experience. Simply, I have been misunderstood by my Management and my Entire Team the moment I shared my dreams out about the 25th and the 26th of this 20 nineteen January….#purposefully misunderstood , bullied , belittled , pushed by engineer @devineevans and his team/wife @iamdaynah and other wanna be musicians he had on board just to oppose the visions I had for these life changing shows. I am a blind instrument drowning in my own sound, constantly dragged back and forth while fighting for my premonitions in this moment! I can’t read music, let alone protools…can only explain sound by duplicating what I hear.. I’ve been surviving for this performance since last year, recording all new background vocals to fill the house with my surround sound, new creative direction by @FrankGatson and new choreography by @ChrisGranted ,screaming to be heard to a KEY pusher that tells you that everything you are doing and trying to do is IMPOSSIBLE

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Continued #Imagine -A born Orchestra (brandy) that can’t connect to the Kennedy Orchestra because of everyone’s refusal to listen to the one musician (brandy) that can join and bring out the best of both worlds. A triple threat! Again, I apologize from the bottom of my heart to all of my fans for my own ignorance and not being aware enough to replace any outstanding obstacles in time to share with you the gift of music with my voice in full possibility. I will NEVER BE THE SAME because of this moment. That’s a good thing. I Am Stronger Now. Louder Now. Even more Humbled. I know what it takes to be the Greatest Version of Self and I know how to Demolish Anything and Anyone who arrogantly attempts to stop The Glory of God and the will for my Life. #NoWeaponsFormed

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